Today, agents are not simply agents. We’re counselors. We’re financial advisers and educators. We’re often therapists, renovation experts, credit repair experts, and foreclosure specialists. At various times, we are hand-holders, friends, shoulders to cry on, the bad guy at whom someone can vent. And we still have to show homes, negotiate and write contracts and close deals.
Having said this, most of what I’ve listed above is not what any agent is trained for, nor should we delve too deeply into those job descriptions. The Darmody Team knows where and who to connect you with when needing the final word on, say, investment practices, retirement, or credit repair, etc. Yes, we know a lot about a lot of things, but what makes us stand apart is that we really care about you, enough not to pretend to know it all. Have I done marriage counseling in a car while driving to a showing? Yes. Do I talk about mortgages and use big words? Yes. But to really care, I send my clients to my network of people who have the same heart to serve you and your family as I have. Today’s agent should be more than a mere salesperson
The same heart for people, and skill package, that led me into pastoral ministry for 12 years, allows me to be the cartilage* that holds the process and structure of your real estate transaction together. I believe in my heart of hearts that I am, as well as those I’ve chosen to work with, your best choice for real estate guidance.
The real estate agent of today must be literate and wear many hats. That’s where experience helps, and having a Team gives you a broader pool of people who can help. Yes the Darmody Team can speak on many many subjects, but your future is too important for us to pretend to know everything. So, the advise I leave with you today is to find an agent with nurturing personal traits and character. Find an agent who will guide you, listen to you and truly care. The Darmody Team will not align itself with any other kind of agent.
Steve Darmody
* cartilage: firm, flexible connective tissue